Wendy weighs in on white NAACP’s ex-president Rachel Dolezal living her life as a black woman in disguise. In the video below, she starts to discuss about her starting from timeline 3:51; Not Everything’s Black & White; Sometime’s There’s A Grey Area (Rachel Dolezal). Here is what Wendy said in quote
“Wow, I have to tell you, she is giving ‘hair’ realness; she is giving nose Realness’ And she is so real at it that she actually became the president of her local chapter of the NAACP!
Now!! Can we talk Color as we always do! Don’t be offended… Look!!
There is something in our community.. As a Black person.. We always say, We can always spot one another. No matter how dark you are or light You are.. No Matter how straight your nose is right.. Like Black always knows Black.. Except the NAACP, isn’t that like the king of all Black organizations.. I’m just saying….
And all those Black people in the room voted, and nobody gave this woman as a…. I won’t give her the side; she looks black to me… Isn’t that amazing cos’ she looks White here right”; (referring and pointing to ‘when she was a kid’)
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