The movie “Power Rangers” had inspired the millennial generation when it first debut in 2002 with its new action packed genre intermingled with science fiction. The action packed movie with science-fiction contents enraptured so many especially its youthful viewers that a sequel was produced in 2012 with a fusion element of Eastern Samurai version.
Tragically the sword fighting sequel has come to haunt the real life of its protagonist. Actor Ricardo Medina Jr. who played the “Red Wild Force Ranger” as Cole Evans in 2002 and also reappeared in the 2012 sequel stabbed to death his roommate Joshua Sutter, 36 in the abdomen with a sword, after an altercation in their shared apartment in Palmdale, California, according to Los Angeles Times and reported by Times. They had shared the apartment for the past 2 months.
The 36-year-old actor is now on a $1 million bail. His agent “Gar Lester” released the following message to Times, following this tragic incident: “He’s been my friend and client for 12 years and he’s a great guy, He’s great to his dog, he’s great to his people. He’s really a super person.”
Among other movies he had acted in are ER (2003), CSI Miami (2004), Confession of a Pit Fighter (2005).
Photo Credit: Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images