Shakara Martin was arrested for indecent exposure at a Florida Dunkin’ Donuts, when she appeared at the shop without a scrap of clothing. Based on her narration of the incident to the police, she got naked as a dare, according to ABC News.
However, employees at Dunkin’ Donuts confirmed that Shakara Martin, walked up naked to the storefront located in West Palm Beach on Sunday. She then sat down at a table outside the store and began chatting up a man who was sitting there. Shortly after the customers started to complain and the store attendants had to call the police as the naked woman was driving away other potential customers.
“She’s completely naked, no bra… She was scaring our customers off,” Rivera, one of the store attendants told the station.
When police questioned Martin, she reportedly said she had gotten naked as part of stunt for a sorority pledge. She however did not disclose the name of the group but said the stunt had to do with a requirement she had to comply with in order to join a dance troupe. So Weird!
Martin was reportedly released from jail last week Monday based on her own recognizance.