Megachurch Pastor, Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, while addressing a group of pastors and Christian leaders at the Reconciled Church Summit on Wednesday said that it is the American corporations and not those elected into public office that provide “the greatest hope” in effecting change and development in underserving communities across America, according to a Christian Post report. The movement was launched to respond to national protests against the undeserving killings by police of black men in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York, by Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland, televangelist James Robison, and Bishop T.D. Jakes in January.
“We need corporations to add a moral component to money,” said Jakes at the summit.
“Starbucks is trying to do it. … If we can tie morality to money, to a purpose, to resources, we can really begin to change things. I don’t really believe that the greatest hope is in the elected officials. I believe it is in the corporations and the business opportunities coming together,” he continued.
“I refuse to believe that it is cheaper to outsource your business to foreign countries than it is to clean up bad neighborhoods in our own city. It’s got to be cheaper to come back home. And the excuse that I hear from the private sector and corporations is — there is too much drugs, there is too much crime, there is too much violence. And I bought that for years until I saw them move into Mexico surrounded by the cartels,” explained the Dallas preacher.