Nollywood star actor and TV presenter, Joseph Benjamin, had a chat with Genevieve magazine for a feature in the July 2015 issue, which has Yvonne Nelson as the star cover, (click here if you missed it), and talks about fatherhood, balancing his responsibilities as a father with acting, while touching on whether he was searching for a partner after separating from his wife of 8 year in 2012, and more!
Joseph Benjamin has two beautiful kids, a 13 year old girl and 11 year old boy.
Read excerpts from the interview below.
On his Views on Fatherhood:
“It’s not a task. It’s an experience, and a beautiful one. Being a father has helped me build the very fabric of who I am as a man. It’s helped me to grow and mature. It’s taught me responsibility and so I would say being a father has been a blessing for me because I have been able to draw strength from that and put it into my work. It has helped me balance my life in a sense.”
On how Fatherhood has changed him:
“I have a different view on life. I’ve come to understand what our parents went through and I can relate with them directly. I do understand. And it’s made me more accountable. And business-wise, it has helped me because you realize every penny counts as a father and a parent because you know that you have a responsibility to these people. So whatever business decisions you are making, you understand that. You are also economically conscious of the fact that they are your first priority.”
On Juggling Acting with Fatherhood:
“I try to balance it. It can be difficult at times but I try in the midst of all that to balance it. I speak to them a lot.”
On Whether he was searching for a partner:
“I am right now so focused on work and giving a good life to my children. I am not searching. I am good where I am.”
To read more on Joseph Benjamin’s interview, pick up a copy of the July 2015 issue of Genevieve Magazine.