The aftermath of the bomb attack on Thursday in Yola, the capital of Adamawa ignited an investigation by the Federal Road Safety officials which led to the identification of the culprits involved. The investigation revealed that 4 boys between the ages of nine and 15 years were reportedly paid N2,500 by Boko Haram to bomb the Yola Barrack.
Punch reports that the bags containing the explosives was too heavy for the boys to carry, hence, they sold it to a dustbin scavenger, and began negotiations. While the negotiation with the four boys was ongoing, smoke began to exhume from the bag, leading to the explosion of the contents which shattered the legs of the scavenger, and injured two of the boys.
The children reportedly confessed of their deeds and involvement with Boko Haram after they were arrested.
It’s so sad these little kids are being lured into such heinous acts!