Don Jazzy was named Sun Magazine’s ‘Creative Person of the Year’ in 2014, in an award ceremony that held on Sunday at the Eko Hotel and Suites in Lagos. Among other luminaries and artistes that graced the event were 2Face and actress Chika Ike who wore a spectacular black gown with a split that stunned the guests. Nollywood celebrity and actor cum director, Kunle Afolayan, was also spotted at the event and he was also honored with the ‘Nollywood Personality of the Year‘ award. Click HERE if you missed it.
Don Jazzy later shared the news with his fans with the following post on Instagram:
” just received this award for the creative person of the year from @sunnewsnigeria presented by our father @2faceidibia1 himself and the lovely @chikaike. i would like to say thank you again to everyone that supports and prays for me and my team #mavin. and also to the management of sun newspaper for this award. may god continue to bless your hustles too. amen,”