Davido announced the launching of his personal clothing line on Instagram a few days ago and shared with his fans pictures of customized T-shirts with his new logo, OBO Baddest pictured above, and a headwarmer with the OBO logo as well! The retail price for the black and white Tee shirt is $30 (approximately N6,000) on his website.
The 22 year old HKN boss who recently welcomed a baby girl – (click here if you missed it) – told his fans that more designs will be added to the online store’s product line soon and you can check it out on – www.HknGangWears.com. One of the customized shirts shared by Davido was captioned:
“My Official clothing line website is up an running! Make sure you check it out and get your O.B.O T-Shirts today www.HknGangWears.com more designs and clothes coming soon! Stay tuned follow @ricklinco_Hkn for updates.”