It sounds like the movie Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark where archeologist were searching for the lost Ark or the Ark of Covenant as described in the Old Testament. Three caving enthusiasts exploring the caves in northern Israel stumbled upon an ancient cache of valuables consisting of coins and jewelry dating back to the era of Alexander The Great about 2,300 years ago.
Their discovery was recently announced by the the Israel Ancient Authority (IAA) that the artifacts discovered by three member from the Israel Caving Club (ICC) when the team went to explore the caves were about 2,300 years old, but some were as old as 6,000 years ago, as stated by IAA and reported in Yahoo News.
“The valuables might have been hidden in the cave by local residents who fled there during the period of governmental unrest stemming from the death of Alexander, a time when the Wars of the Diadochi broke out in Israel between Alexander’s heirs following his death,” IAA officials said in a statement. “Presumably, the cache was hidden in the hope of better days, but today we know that whoever buried the treasure never returned to collect it.”
The ICC members consist of Raven Zakai, his 21 years old son, Hen Zakai and a friend Lior Halony.