By Ola Smith, a Golden Icons Contributor
In the wake of the viral news regarding the Former NAACP Chapter President, Rachel Dolezal identifying herself as Black, I keep asking myself, Why are Black People So Sensitive? Why does the media rush to crucify someone that has worked so hard in her life to fight for the cause of the black? Why do Black folks always put on a Victim mentality? Why do they feel like everyone has hurt them anytime a racial news bursts out? God Bless America for their core Values, where you can be who you want to be, and no one is permitted under the law to discriminate on Race, Ethnicity, Gender, or Religion.
It is obvious that Rachel Dolezal identifies with a race that she is not, and so WHAT!!.. So many Black people have tried to bleach their skin and become White, so they can get ahead in life, at least in their own right and mind. Although I believe that people should be who God created them to be, but that’s my personal belief and would not want to impose my ideology and personal believes on others, as this is a FREE country where you can be who you want to be without being discriminated against.
Having said that, She chose to identify as Black, which is contrary to what most people will do. The vast majority of Blacks in the United States will do all they can to be identified as white, but she chose the opposite so that she can help to fight the cause of a race that has often been discriminated against. So, I ask the question – Why can’t black people just embrace that, and let her Be!! She has chosen not to come out publicly and say that this is who I AM or who I WAS!!.. But it seems as if the media is trying to push her to come out and say what she is not ready to say.
If she lied about her ethnicity, it’s absolutely wrong and unethical!! Especially if she did that in order to attain wealth!! However, if that is a crime, then I agree that the full course of justice should be upheld, but if not, then I consider her to be innocent until proven guilty, as I’ve not heard that she is being charged for the crime yet.
In my case, I only feel sympathy towards her, as it’s easily understandable that one may just inwardly gear towards one race than the other, and for her, she had always felt more black than white even as young as when she was 5 years old.