This article was shared on Christian Post last month, and it reiterates the Bible’s stance on marriage in this age when the world is completely viewing relationship between partners in a totally different way from the traditional views that most of us grew up with.
The article titled “Marriage: Only God’s Way is Right” was written by Karen Kramer and it is an inspiring one!
“On April 28th, as my husband and I celebrate thirty-six years of marriage, the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments for and against traditional marriage.
For those with same-sex attraction and desire to wed, you’ve been granted legal status to marry in many states, but don’t ask God to approve. It’s marriage God’s way or no way. This isn’t hate speech; it’s His Word.
My husband and I came of age in the midst of the sexual revolution. It was a time of freedom from religion. As the no-fault divorce craze swept the nation, shacking-up became common.
Lots of Baby Boomers put God on the highest shelf, making choices without God’s overriding influence on selfish day-to-day living. God was yanked from our schools and the public arena and this created a vacuum that was filled with blatant narcissism. Thanks to Boomers and their offspring, we’ve seen the demise of the family and our faith-oriented culture. Behavior that God calls an abomination is not only legal, it’s discriminatory to think otherwise. Our religious freedom is eroding along with our values.
Now nine justices will attempt to usurp God and decide what’s best for marriage—an institution created by Him.
This decision will impact us all. Marriage will not be the same, nor will our businesses that may be legally required to sin.No one really knows how this will impact our religious liberty. Will it eventually be illegal to honor God and do what He declares in His Word?
The Supreme Court is redefining God’s Truth. Millions are praying for God to overrule the Supreme Court. Our nation has never been out of His Sovereign control. But along our journey we neglected and dishonored God. It never goes well when nations do this.
Don’t take my word, take His: “Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” Galatians 6:7From Psalm 50:17 and 21: For you refuse my discipline and treat my words like trash. While you did all this, I remained silent, and you thought I didn’t care. But now I will rebuke you, listing all my charges against you.
We cannot blame God when the harvest of these evil seeds we have planted yield a crop of pain and suffering.”