The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria known with the acronym ISIS has become the most formidable threat in the Western hemisphere. ISIS was created by the remnant of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and its rank and file are dominated by the former ruling members of Saddam’s Baath Party.
Saddam Hussein was toppled from power following the 2003 American invasion with the justification to the American people and Congress that Saddam Hussein harbored weapons of mass destruction. President George W Bush has persistently reiterated that there was a pressing need to flush out nuclear weapons from Iraq. Until today, 12 years after the invasion, no nuclear weapons have been found.
Watch this video as a University student confronts Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush, the brother of George W Bush saying “Your brother created ISIS.”
Both President George W Bush and his brother Jeb belong to the Republican Party, a party much associated with the conservatives and the evangelicals in America.