An unarmed robber was jailed yesterdat for eight years after holding up two banks and a bookmakers within a few days by pretending he had a bomb inside an empty rucksack.
Steve Morrell, 31, escaped with thousands of pounds after calmly passing counter staff a handwritten note, saying:
‘Put the money in the bag or the bomb goes off’.
On one occasion a clerk thought the criminal from Salford, Greater Manchester, was a new customer wanting to open an account – only for her to place £3,000 in his black sports holdall fearing he was about to cause an explosion. But Morrell was arrested after police probing three raids over a 20-day period in April issued CCTV of one of his robberies – and he has now been imprisoned at Manchester Crown Court after admitting three charges of robbery.
He first struck at the Royal Bank of Scotland at Stretford Mall at 11.13am on April 1, when he walked in and pretended to be interested in opening an account before slipping the threatening ‘bomb’ note over to the cashier.
She handed over about £3,000 cash, which he put into the holdall before walking out of the bank. The second offence took place at a Lloyds branch in Swinton at 1.46pm on April 14.
