American football is known as a high contact sport where a lot of concussion is involved compared to conventional soccer where most of the injuries are on the leg. In an interview with Fox Channel ‘Fox and Friends’ recently, both Steve Weatherford and Sidney Rice jointly pledged their brains for science when they die.
Both players recalled episodes of concussions and according to Rice who retired in July last year, he sustained between 8 to 10 concussions during his career. Weatherford recalled about 2 episodes while in the NFL.
Weatherford was attached to the New York Giant Punters while Rice was a NFL receiver during his last posting. Despite many cases of concussions to the head that results in traumatic brain injuries, a crippling and debilitating disease, it remains one of the most baffling affliction that doctors face because not much is understood about the brain, the most complex of all human organs. Traumatic brain injuries also remains one of the largest disability among injured war veterans returning from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Weatherford said he’s doing it “more to help generations after us.”
” You study [Rice’s] brain, by comparison to my brain. Just because you [haven’t] had traumatic head injuries doesn’t mean you don’t need your brain studied because they’re going to have brains to compare to other ones. For me, it’s about overall health right now, but you want to help the future and pay it forward,” He said this as reported in Times.