According to Vogue, top modeling agencies go to public events, where most of the young people gather for musical concerts with the most recent one being Coachella that was held in California recently. Coachella was one of the places top modeling agency like IMG went to in order to recruit potential male models and the company has reportedly managed to sign several male models from this musical concert.
Vogue also reported that some of the top models gracing the catwalk around the world were recruited from the most unassuming places. Among the freakiest of places where top models have been recruited include yearbook pages (where Swede model Tilda Lindstam was recruited), fruit stall (Natalia Vodianova), airport (Kate Moss) and of course now, with the advent of social media – Instagram.
IMG has now launched a pair of Instagram scouting accounts with the names – @WeLoveYourGene and @WeLoveYourGeneDude complete with the hastag #WLYG and #WLYGD, and potential male and female candidates can tag their photo with them for consideration.
Never miss this opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Naomi Campbell and have your face known around the world by just taking a small step to tag your photos with the hash tag above in order to be seen by agents and receive a possible audition via the power of social media – Instagram.
Photo Source: Vogue