Houston – At the World premiere of the highly anticipated hilarious comedy movie of the year “OKOTO THE MESSENGER” at the Bollywood Cinema in Houston, Texas. Impressive, well directed, excellent picture and sound quality are just a few words that describes this extraordinary Nollywood USA movie production “Okoto the Messenger”. This movie was premiered in Houston, Texas; courtesy of Golden Icons, Princess Belemzy and Pelican Entertainment. Testimonial comments from guests that attended this Premiere described this movie as funny, exciting, and entertaining, which left the fans in a delighted state.
Houston: Premiere Interviews:
The casts present at the Houston premiere were HOLLYWOOD/ NOLLYWOOD stars: Pascal Atuma, Aloma Wright from the TV Show “Scrubs”, Oscar Atuma from My American Nurse 1 and 2, Dee Dabira, Serge Murphy Ukah, Jennifer Oguzie, Stanley Atuma, Ike Onwuegbuzia, and many more.
Kudos to DJ MIX MASTER BROWN, for keeping the guests and casts in a fun-filled mood at the after party, which took place at Gina’s Palace.