Over the weekend, we shared media reports on how Bruce Jenner’s family rallied around him in providing support to the 65-year-old former Olympian star as he publicly declared himself as a transgender. Click here if you missed it!
However, it seems like it’s not only Jenner’s family that are in support of his transition to a woman as several famous faces including Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Lady Gaga, Sam Smith and more took to social media to voice their support for the former Olympian star, commending him for his bravery, while also acknowledging the need to love people for who they are.
Check out some of the celebrity tweets!
“All of us deserve the right to be loved for who we are “. Bravo #BruceJenner
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) April 25, 2015
Absolutely flawed at how courageous and brave Bruce Jenner is. So inspiring and so powerful. Shame on anyone who dare judge x — SAM SMITH (@samsmithworld) April 25, 2015
#BruceJennerABC Now that is bravery.❤️
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner is a beautiful, brave human being. Sending him lots of love. He’s saving lives and opening minds tonight. — Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 25, 2015
It’s a win 4 @ABC2020 and all of us. #BruceJennerInterview just made a quantum leap in teaching acceptance, tolerance and compassion — Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) April 25, 2015