The violent protests in Baltimore following the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray – a young man who died from spinal cord injury while in police custody – as generated a lot of criticisms. US President Barrack Obama recently condemned the protests, saying the rioters are thieves and not protesters. Click here if you missed it!
Nollywood actor Chet Anekwe has also weighed in on the protests, looting and destruction of properties that followed the riots in Baltimore. Here is what he said..
“I understand the angry violent outburst in Baltimore. I see the path where years of oppression and injustice can lead to the explosion we all sensed was coming. Still, I have never understood burning, looting and destroying your own community. Victimizing the very victims they claim to be angry for…
You want to express yourself violently? Then direct it towards the entities you are angry at. Go to THEIR neighborhoods and smash THEIR cars and burn THEIR stores or whatever you feel will make you feel better.
I am not advocating violence, or debating whether this approach is good or bad, or would even be successful in venting the community’s pent up anger. Sadly in this world there are times where the tool of violence forces change from an oppressive hand.
However, in this instance, I wish they chosen the peaceful path… As this display of violence, turned riot, will ultimately not lead to the type of change needed….”
Photo Credit: Chet’s Website