The Japanese Buddhist based foundation for peace and reconciliation titled Niwano Peace Foundation has awarded Nigerian Ester Ibanga who is a pastor and social activist a peace prize that comes with a monetary award of 20 million Japanese Yen or an equivalent of N34 million ($170,000). The award was presented to her on Tuesday, 24th of February, for her effort in campaigning against the Boko Haram terrorist threat and fostering reconciliation between communities and tribal harmony with a special emphasis on educating the rural people on peace and tolerance and also the betterment of the women folks.
Her gutsy efforts against the terrorist group involved campaigning for the federal government not to neglect the people and to pressure the federal government to intervene more aggressively on dastardly acts by this thuggish group. Her other efforts entailed enhancing the traditional role of women in the villages to be more assertive in combating many social issues.
The foundation’s message to Esther as a tribute was: “Esther has worked extensively to foster and facilitate reconciliation between conflicting religious and tribal groups, setting up an organization that has all tribal women leaders on its membership.”