The attractive “Hunger games” star appeared to have moved on so quickly after her recent split with Coldplay front-man Chris Martin. The talented actress was spotted by reporters hanging out with producer Gabe Polsky at his house in Los Angeles. Lawrence appeared to have had a great time with Polsky (director and producer of “Red Army”) as they stayed in the apartment for about 5 hours, ordering pizza more than once.
However, the dating rumors were soon quashed as it later became known that Gabe Polsky is in a serious relationship with JLaw’s best friend and that he’s never dated Lawrence. So, you get the scoop there! Spending 5 hours at a guy’s house does not imply a romantic relationship is involved.
Meanwhile, more information has emerged regarding Jennifer Lawrence’s breaking up with Chris Martin. A source close to the couple confirmed that after dating for 4 months, the split was more than amiable and mutually agreed. “Things just didn’t work out, there are no hard feelings between them”, E! reports.
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