theGuardian reports from the latest tally that an overwhelming 62% of Irish people approved of gay marriage in the largely Roman Catholic country.
The majority of Irish approving of gay marriage is quite a shocker considering that Ireland is largely a conservative Roman Catholic country where homosexuality was only legalized in 1993.
New York Times reported that the turnout on Saturday’s referendum is large with 60% of the 3.2 million eligible voters turning out to vote. NY Times also reported that the paradigm shift in attitude is monumental considering the country still ban abortion and the shift is aided by the numerous scandal involving the church and different perceptions adopted by the young voters who may have different views in comparison to their parents’ generation.
The result means that a republic once dominated by the Catholic church ignored the instructions of its cardinals and bishops. The huge Yes vote marks another milestone in Ireland’s journey towards a more liberal, secular society, as reported by theGuardian.
All but one of the republic’s 43 parliamentary constituencies voted Yes to same-sex marriage.
Constituencies such as Donegal South West, which in the past voted against divorce and abortion reform, backed the Yes side.
The minister for equality, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, said on Twitter:
“A landslide across Dublin. And I’m so proud to be Irish today.”
The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin who opposed gay marriage and instructed his congregants to give the ‘No’ vote had this to say.
“It’s a social revolution that’s been going on – perhaps in the church people have not been as clear in understanding what that involved,” he said. “It’s clear that, if the referendum is an affirmation of the views of young people, the church has a huge task in front of it.”
Photo Credit: Peter Morrison/AP