Nollywood Star actor turned Director and now Politician, Desmond Elliot had a recent interview with Guardian’s Shaibu Hussein about his political ambitions. After securing the nomination of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to represent them at the Lagos State House of Assembly, the amiable Politician is now faced with the next challenge of securing a seat in the hallowed chambers. But, Elliot seems pretty confident that he will be sworn in by the special Grace of God and so are his fans and supporters.
“I am confident that by His special grace, I will be elected. From field reports and from what I have experienced personally and what my foot soldiers have reported, one should just be getting prepared to be sworn in”, he said. Elliot had often said he is not in the race just because he wants to add the title of a politician to his resume, but that he has a genuine desire to empower the youth and to change certain development in his constituency for good. “We need to empower the people and I feel God has helped me thus far and I want to give back through politics that will be favourable to the people”, he said.
Elliot who never had plans of combining acting, directing and producing with being a politician implied during the interview that everyone has somewhat of a politician’s nature innate within them. “It just tells you that everyone has a certain streak of a politician in him. I think mine has just fully manifested even though I would say that politics has always been a part of me. I have been involved in campaigns for some governors and even the President. So, I have always had it at back of my mind as something I would do one day. It is a well-thought out action and I come very prepared,” he said.