The mother of Ghanaian hip hop recording artist, Sarkodie almost altered his career path in music as disclosed by his friend and fellow Ghanaian rapper, Pharuk Jbreal, in a recent tweet. According to Jbreal, Sarkodie’s mother once told Ghanaian producer Nana Fynn not to allow her son into his recording studio.
‘I happen to know Sarkodie before he became a big star. He hasn’t changed in terms of character, he is not into drugs and lives quite a decent life. It is obvious that his mum is proud of what her son has turned out to be. I have seen her at some of his events and it says it all. I can understand his mother’s concerns at that time, there are quite some disturbing stories about musicians out there and as a mother you can only be vigilant and look out for your child,’ Pharuk revealed, as reported by Pulse, Ghana.