Princess Shyngle is a Ghanaian actress that’s got a curvaceous body, an asset she got through ‘waist training.’
Yesterday, she took to her Instagram page to address those criticizing her for destroying her organs by wearing body shapers 24/7 stating:
“I wana make something very clear to ya’ll
i don’t beg or force anyone to waist train. Its all up to you if you choose to buy a waist trainer n waist train.
i do it cuz i want to, and all of ya’ll saying am damaging ma organs and my womb well just want ya’ll to know dat ma organs and womb are in great conditions
dont want anyone saying they waist training cuz of me, do it cuz u want to
i will advice you go get an advice from your doctor be4 u start waist training, i did da same n waist training don’t affect me in anyway
so the choice is urs