Exquisite Magazine Publisher, Tewa Onasanya is a Nigerian-born pharmacologist, who studied pharmacology at the University of Portsmouth, England. Prior to starting the magazine, the mother-of-two had no prior experience in journalism or publishing, but got support from family members and friends, which she leveraged on in starting the first issue of her publication that was aimed at style conscious black women.
In a report titled ‘How one woman swapped Big Pharma for publishing to fulfill her dream’ on CNN’s ‘Passion to Portfolio’ segment, Onasanya’s inspirational story about how she started the magazine with little or no experience and without much profit at the earlier days was featured.
“I always wrote short stories when I was a little girl and was very good at reporting whatever happened. My publishing Exquisite, a fashion magazine, grew from the love I have for writing,” she says.
“The whole idea of publishing a magazine is to provide a platform for women of color. They should be able to express themselves and empower other women… The whole idea is not to just be a fashion magazine but to be a platform for empowerment and to create more awareness for issues.”
Click HERE to read the rest of the feature on CNN’s ‘Passion to Portfolio’
Photo Credit: CNN