Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Aunt “Leolah Brown” in an interview with Atlanta’s Fox 5 station on Wednesday said the family is hopeful that her niece will be fine as she opened her eyes and showed other signs indicative that she will get better. “There are so many signs showing us that she will be okay, in spite of what people are saying over the Internet,” she stated. “Krissi is fine, as I sit here today.”
According to USA Today, when Leolah was asked about Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend Nick Gordon, she said: “I believe Nick Gordon will be charged with this. Oh yes, 110 percent,” and continues, “I hope that he will be charged with this, as well. Soon. I really do.”
Bobby Brown’s sister also described how arduous the journey has been for the Brown family altogether. “It’s been very, very painful for everybody. Mainly Bobby, because that’s his baby.”
However, the family continues to remain hopeful and prayerful about Bobbi Kristina’s outcome.
Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston’s only daughter has remained in a medically induced coma since Jan. 31, when she was found unresponsive and face down in a bathtub at her apartment by friend Max Lomas, after which Nick Gordon performed CPR on Bobbi prior to the arrival of paramedics at the scene. Click here if you missed it!
Watch the video interview HERE!