“Mind of the Enemy” written and produced by Susan Nwokedi and directed by J. Van Vicker. This Nollywood film is a political action drama flick about a man who won the presidency based on good politics and equality for all. While awaiting inauguration, he is ambushed on the way to a family gathering in his honor. He survives the attack but remains comatose. No one knows he is alive; except one man…the right hand man of the current president who is determined to save him…and the doctors at a secret top-notch hospital he is being treated at. The country that loved him so much mourns his death. His family is left without a corpse to bury. The people could not believe their first elected president is dead, killed by armed robbers as the media has lead them to believe. The rush is on to save his life and restore him to full health before the inauguration. The notorious current president who has already declared himself the next president must be stopped. He cannot continue his quest of depleting the country’s vault.
Mind of the Enemy is a must see movie that thugs at our heart to do the right thing. It is an action packed film that has romance, drama and great dialogue. Mind of the Enemy has all the things that make the viewers want to keep watching. The entire film was shot on location in Abuja Nigeria and features some big names in the Nollywood industry.
Release Date: Premieres in Nigeria Summer 2012 and in the United States Fall 2012